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- Steinman Spreadsheet
- If you are interested in
- spreadsheets, you may want to make a
- printout of this now--you'll need it
- later.
- The inclusion of a version of the
- Steinman Spreadsheet on this issue
- begins a new chapter in the history
- of Loadstar. Each issue will feature
- a program that's the equivalent of
- software you'd have to pay $30 or
- more for on the retail market.
- Future issues will include a word
- processor, a data base, a file copy
- utility, and a dungeon game.
- Spreadsheets, beginning with
- Visicalc, enable the user to play the
- simulation "What if". The process
- used in the simulation is called
- "modeling". A spreadsheet model can
- analyze any problem that can be
- reduced to numbers. It can analyze
- future events, keep track of the
- present situation, or give new
- insights into the past.
- There is one salient point to
- remember about spreadsheet models:
- their validity depends on the
- accuracy of the data, the appropriate
- use of formulas, and the quality of
- the assumptions that are used in
- building the model.
- The old saying that 'Figures don't
- lie, but liars figure' never had a
- more appropriate setting than when
- looking at the results of a model.
- With that caveat in mind, let's talk
- about Steinman.
- The Display
- -----------
- The Steinman Spreadsheet consists of
- four modules--the spreadsheet, a
- dimension module, a report generator,
- and a series of disk utilities.
- Because space on LOADSTAR is limited,
- we present here a reduced version of
- the spreadsheet module.
- The reduction is significant.
- In this version, you have 140 cells
- in your spreadsheet, in the full-
- blown version, you can have as many
- as 2000 cells. In addition, the
- complete package has the extra
- ability to change the size of your
- spreadsheet.
- But the major difference is that
- the complete package contains the
- report generator module, the first of
- its kind for a spreadsheet. With it
- you have total flexibility in
- building reports based on your
- spreadsheet models.
- You can still print out reports
- from the version of Steinman on
- Loadstar with the basic print routine
- that is included within the
- spreadsheet module. You'll find this
- routine adequate for the models you
- can build.
- If you find this diluted version of
- Steinman to your liking, you can save
- $10 on the purchase of the complete
- package by using the coupon included
- with this issue.
- Even if you don't buy the complete
- Steinman, you'll find this version
- adequate to model several small
- household tasks.
- With all that explanation out of
- the way, let's get on to the task of
- telling you how to use Steinman.
- The display is in two sections: the
- main spreadsheet and a status
- section. The status section contains
- the status bar, the cell locator, the
- data entry line, and room for any
- messages that may be appropriate.
- The Status Bar
- There are two lines to the status
- bar, which is printed in inverse at
- the top of Steinman. On the first
- line is the mode indicator, room for
- function titles, and the name of your
- file.
- Mode Indicator
- The mode indicator will usually
- show "INPUT", meaning that you're
- ready to enter data into the
- spreadsheet. The alternative mode is
- "CONTROL", which indicates that
- you're using some other function of
- the program. Usually when you are in
- control mode, the name of the
- function is displayed in the center
- of the top line of the status bar.
- Recalculate Indicator
- The second line of the status bar
- displays the current state of the
- model. If you've been entering data,
- an asterisk * will appear at the left
- to indicate that you need to
- recalculate the spreadsheet.
- Paging Indicator
- Next to that, a "P" or "PP" would
- indicate that paging has been
- activated.
- Precision Indicator
- To the right of the paging
- indicator is the precision indicator.
- Precision sets the depth to which
- your formulas are calculated and is
- shown by the at sign, such as @3 for
- calculate three decimal places. Legal
- values are 0-6.
- Fixed Decimal Indicator
- Next to precision is the fixed
- decimal indicator. This sets the
- number of decimal places that will be
- shown on your display and is shown by
- the letter "F" followed by a number
- or X. Legal entries are 0-6. X
- means to use the number of decimals
- in each cell that you entered.
- Negative Number Indicator
- After fixed decimal comes the
- indication of how negative numbers
- will be displayed. They can be
- prefixed by a minus sign "-", or
- surrounded by parentheses ().
- Comma Indicator
- Following the negative number
- indicator is the comma indicator.
- You can choose to have commas in your
- large numbers for easier reading.
- Order of Calculation Indicator
- The next indicator is for order of
- calculation. You can choose to have
- your model calculated either line by
- line (horizontally) or column by
- column (vertically).
- Size Indicator
- The final entry on the second line
- of the status bar shows the size of
- the spreadsheet, in this case 35x4.
- Other Status Items
- Near the top left of the screen is
- the legend "CELL #". What follows it
- is the exact address where you are in
- the spreadsheet.
- Under CELL # are the data entry
- line and the data entry cursor.
- Cells and Addresses
- -------------------
- The basic unit of a spreadsheet is
- a cell. Each cell has a unique
- address that represents the
- intersection of the line and column
- at the point of the cell.
- The cell at the point where line 6
- intersects column 3 has the address
- L6C3. No other cell has that
- address.
- Cursors and Data Entry
- ----------------------
- Steinman has two cursors, one above
- the spreadsheet on the data entry
- line and one in the spreadsheet. The
- data entry cursor indicates your
- position relative to the data that
- has been (is being) entered in the
- cell. It's activated during data
- entry or editing.
- The cell cursor indicates your
- position in the spreadsheet.
- Whatever you enter on the data entry
- line will appear in the cell on which
- your cell cursor is placed. You
- accept the data you have entered by
- pressing RETURN or by pressing a
- cursor control key to move on to the
- next cell into which you want to
- enter data.
- Data Types
- A spreadsheet recognizes three
- kinds of information: values, labels,
- and formulas.
- Values are numbers. They are
- entered directly into cells or are
- the results of the evaluation of a
- formula.
- Labels are descriptors. They
- usually sit at the top of columns and
- on the left of lines to indicate what
- the numbers mean.
- Formulas cause manipulations to
- values. They contain references to
- cell addresses and values. All
- formulas start with the plus sign +.
- --------------------------------------
- Commands from the Spreadsheet
- F1 Calculate the value of a cell
- F2 Calculate the entire model
- F3 Activate paging.
- "P" paging causes the display
- to move a section at a time
- when a boundary is reached.
- "PP" paging causes the display
- to move a section at a time
- without reaching the screen
- boundary. Paging is controlled
- by the right and down cursor
- control keys.
- F5 Edit (on the data entry line)
- F7 Enter the control mode
- F8 Erase a cell
- \ Go directly to a cell
- + Start of a formula
- .. Range (see formulas)
- LxCy Cell address
- The cursor keys move as indicated and
- the CLR/HOME key always returns you
- to L1C1.
- Commands accessed by pressing F7:
- Commodore A Start new file
- B Bytes (memory) remaining
- C Copy a block of cells
- D Delete (line or column)
- E Erase a range of cells
- F Change fixed decimals
- G Go to a specific cell
- I Insert (line or column)
- L Set line spacing
- M Move a block of cells
- O Change order of calculation
- P Print
- Commodore Q Quit
- R Replicate cell
- Shift R Replicate cell with
- choice of referencing
- S Save
- T Fix Titles (set labels to stay
- on the screen while you scroll
- the spreadsheet). The titles
- indicator is at the intersection
- of the spreadsheet axes. L fixes
- line titles, C fixes column
- titles, and when both L and C
- are showing, both are fixed.
- W Change column width
- 1 Change text color
- 2 Change screen color
- 3 Change border color
- - Negative number toggle
- , Comma display toggle
- @ Change precision
- --------------------------------------
- Formula Formats
- Addition (+)
- +L1C2+L3C3+9
- Subtraction (-)
- +L2C1-L2C2-6
- Multiplication (*)
- +7*L2C2*L3C1
- Division (/)
- +12/L4C1
- Greater than (>)
- +L2C2>L3C3
- Less than (<)
- +L2C3<12
- Exponentiation (^)
- +2^2
- Range Formulas
- Range formulas work over a range of
- cells and always include the range
- indicator: ..
- Sum (adds all values in range)
- +L1C2..L4C3
- Minimum (gets lowest value in range)
- +MINL2C3..L5C4
- Maximum (gets highest value in range)
- +MAXL4C1..L6C3
- Average (finds the average of all
- nonblank values in specified range)
- +AVGL6C2..L9C4
- Count (finds the number of nonblank
- entries in the specified range)
- +#L5C1..L9C3
- If-Then-Else Formulas
- If-Then-Else formulas enable you to
- set conditions upon which certain
- values will be entered in a cell.
- There is a specific form to this
- formula, which contains several
- discrete elements:
- + indicates formula
- [ indicates If-Then-Else
- A then enter first cell address
- or value or formula
- <>= then you need a Boolean operator
- B then enter another cell
- address or value or formula
- : enter a colon (stands for Then)
- C then enter another cell
- address or value or formula
- , enter a comma (stands for Else)
- D then enter another cell
- address or value or formula
- ] indicates end of formula
- It looks like this:
- +[A>B:C,D]
- and it reads like this:
- If A is greater than B then enter
- C, otherwise enter D.
- A, B, C, and D can be any value, cell
- reference or formula (except another
- If-then-Else formula) and > can be <
- or = as well.
- Formula error messages
- ERR1 line number error
- ERR2 column number error
- ERR3 End of range error
- ERR4 If-Then-Else syntax error
- ERR5 Parenthesis error
- Nesting
- Sometimes you have to nest values
- or formulas. Steinman calculates
- from left to right. So if you wanted
- to multiply 3 times the sum of 2 + 5:
- +3*2+5
- Your answer would come out as 11 (3
- times 2 is 6 plus 5 equals 11)
- So you'd have to write that formula
- as:
- +3*(2+5)
- Steinman will evaluate the
- parenthetical expression before
- performing the multiplication so
- nesting will make the formula come
- out as 21.
- You can use parentheses to nest
- formulas within other formulas.
- You can nest up to five deep (four
- sets of parentheses inside the first
- set).
- --------------------------------------
- Label Formatting Commands
- All labels print flush to the left
- margin of the cell unless you format
- them differently:
- Shift C centers labels
- Shift R flushes labels right
- > causes the label to print
- in the right margin
- ' an apostrophe preceding
- numbers allows the numbers
- to be considered a label
- ! sets the character that
- follows it to be repeated
- For example:
- !=
- causes the equal sign to
- printed across the column.
- --------------------------------------
- Cell Override Commands
- You can format individual cells to
- carry dollar or percent signs and you
- can override the global precision or
- fixed decimal settings by appending a
- suffix to your value, cell reference,
- or formula.
- $n formats the cell for a dollar
- sign: +L2C5*3$2 gets dollars
- and cents
- Pn formats the cell to show a
- percent sign in the right
- margin: +L3C2/L4C2P3 gets a
- percentage to three decimal
- places
- Fn changes the fixed decimal
- display for that cell:
- +L12C4/L30C4F6 displays the
- answer to six decimal places
- @n changes the precision setting
- for that cell:
- +L6C3/L12C2@4 calculates the
- result of the formula to 4
- decimal places.
- In all the above examples, n equals
- the number of decimal places and must
- be entered.
- Any model you make with this
- version of Steinman will be
- compatible with the full-blown
- Steinman Spreadsheet.
- This explanation has been
- necessarily brief. The manual that
- accompanies Steinman is 64 pages
- long. Should you need help
- understanding the functions in
- Steinman, call Loadstar between 8
- a.m. and 5 p.m. Central time. Ask
- for Al Tommervik.
- The Steinman Spreadsheet is
- fatal to the LOADSTAR environment.
- If you RUN it from here, you will have
- to turn your computer completely off
- before trying the LOAD anything else.
- If you do not turn if off, strange
- things are sure to happen. Because of
- this, the Steinman Spreadsheet does
- NOT return to LOADSTAR. If you do
- decide to RUN Steinman from here,
- please be sure to have another disk
- nearby so you can save your data onto
- it. Be Warned:: Do NOT try to save
- any Steinman data files onto this
- LOADSTAR disk (you won't like the
- results, trust me!). Also, make sure
- you make a print-out of these
- instructions because Steinman has no
- Help Screens or Reminder screens.
- Steinman uses the following files:
- If you would like to RUN the
- Steinman Spreadsheet now, please press
- \oad"steinman spread",8
- the '\' (English pound) key now.
- ---------< end of article >-----------